毕业率 are commonly measured at 150% of normal time (six years for a four-year baccalaureate degree), although it is increasingly common to measure graduation rates at 200% of normal time as well (eight years for a four-year baccalaureate degree). 毕业率, 虽然这不是一个完美的衡量标准, are important because they provide an insight into how many students are finishing their degrees in a timely manner once they enroll. 佛罗里达浸会大学的两种费率报告如下.
The 8-year graduation rate reported below is the IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) Outcome Measures 8-year Award Rate. This number represents a large cross-section of students who began their studies in a particular cohort year. 这个毕业率反映了第一次毕业的进度, non-first-time, 全职, 以及在特定年份开始学习的非全日制学位学生.
This rate is Baptist University of Florida's selected SACSCOC (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Com任务 on Colleges) 主要学生完成指标 或“KSCI.”
佛罗里达浸会大学设定的目标是保持最低34%的毕业率,这是由IPEDS结果衡量的本科学生八年奖励率衡量的. 8年毕业率34%的最低目标是基于佛罗里达浸会大学2016-2020年IPEDS结果测量毕业率的平均值(46%)。. That average was then reduced by 25% to arrive at a figure that would account for fluctuating rates of student achievement, 不可预测的经济因素影响学生的毅力, 家庭和健康并发症, 以及其他可能影响学生成功的缓和因素, 开放录取的高等学府,如佛罗里达浸会大学.
相反, 佛罗里达浸会大学设定了一个理想的目标,即达到58%的毕业率,这是由IPEDS结果衡量的本科学生八年奖励率衡量的. The 58% aspirational goal for the eight-year graduation rate is based on that same average of the 2016-2020 Outcome Measures graduation rates for Baptist University of Florida, but was then increased by 25% to arrive at a figure that would demonstrate significant achievement for a smaller, 开放录取的高等学府,如佛罗里达浸会大学.
(*主要学生完成指标最近8年毕业率(正常时间的200%), (基于2014年新生队列)为51%.